
Tips for making your big move exciting for the kids

Categories: Tips | Posted: January 6, 2015


You may be excited about moving to your new home, but for your kids, it might be a little overwhelming.

  1. The biggest thing to remember is to prepare your kids. Relocating can be a fun adventure if they know what’s going on. Make sure you talk to them about the move. Ask them about their feelings so that you know their concerns, uncertainties, and fears.
  1. Involve your kids in the moving process, from picking out their new home (and their new rooms) to packing their toys.
  1. Visit your new community. Make sure there is plenty of time for your children to explore their new home and neighborhood. Check out local parks and libraries. Visit the local pool or community center and other places your child might like. If you live far away but you’ve got pictures of the new place and neighborhood, share them with the kids. 
  1. Most kids are concerned about losing old friends, and the uncertainty of making new friends. Assure them that they will not lose their old friends. Encourage them to exchange addresses, phone numbers and email. With Facebook, Twitter and the like, there are many ways for kids to remain in close contact with old friends.
  1. Meet the kids on your new block. If possible, try to meet other families with young children who live on your street or nearby. Get the kids involved in activities that will help them make friends, such as summer camps and play groups.
  1. Keep their favorite toys and comfort items close by. Pack your child’s beloved items in easily accessible places. Though you may be tempted to get rid of a ratty blanket or stuffed animal, don’t do it now if it’s something your child treasures.
  1. Get school squared away. Particularly if it’s the middle of the school year, do what you can to make your child’s transition comfortable. Take them to see their new school, and maybe meet their new teachers.
  1. Make sure there’s time to say goodbye. Plan a going-away party, or go out to your favorite local restaurant with your family and close relatives and friends.
  1. When the moving truck arrives at the new house, have the children stationed in their new rooms (so they are out of the way, unless they are big enough to actually help). Tell the children not to start dragging out their stuff until the furniture is in their room and they have a place to put their clothes.
  1. Keep whatever routines you have if possible. From breakfast to bedtime, kids like to know that some things never change.

Homes by DHR is a new home builder in Shawnee, Pottawatomie County, OK. Contact or call 405-888-5430 for more information.  

Donny DeMarie

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